Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I'm blogging!

Can you believe it? I am actually staying up until midnight so I can BLOG! Sleep is just about priceless to me, but I don't have any other time to myself. The kidlets are in bed, the husband is asleep with the television on -- this is ME time!

We got good news on Monday about Ryan -- not only were his counts were good, but they've been good for a couple of weeks. This means his body is getting better at making it's own blood cells. Yay! Thank you GOD for the amazing things you do! Hopefully in the next 2-3 weeks, his central line can be removed.

Okay, that's enough blogging for now. I need a hot shower and some sleep! Tomorrow I will try to figure out more of how this blog stuff works. Maybe post some pics or add some of my scrappy work for you all to see.

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